Author: jestephan78
Testimonial and Important Website
Recommendations Given (6) Joseph Estephan Spirit Network “Joseph runs the Spirit network; and his own faith and spirit is what makes this particular network shine over others. He goes the extra mile for everyone, and beside his conisderate and kind heartedness demeanor, his ethics are tops. I try to be more like Joseph all the…
Spirit Network Adds Maybacks TV Family, Catholic, and Christian Program Network on Roku and Smart TV To Airy TV.
Due to a higher viewer reach, data of number of viewers to help increase sponsorship opportunities, and higher viewer reach per dollar expenditure, Spirit Network is now broadcasting on both Airy TV and Maybacks TV Family Catholic, and Christian Program Network. Watch us on your over the air broadcast television on Roku and Smart TV…
Spirit Network Now on Roku Family Channel
Look for our Catholic and Christian Programming including the movie The Ten Commandments and Catholics movie starring Martin Sheen. Soon to come are the Catholics Come Home promotional ads along with continued programs from Jesus Film Project and hopefully soon Bishop Fulton Sheen: Life Is Worth Living.
Spirit Network now on Roku, Airy TV, and Smart TV Spirit Network is broadcast on: